Social Media Guidelines | Sammons Financial Group

Social Media Community Guidelines

Thank you for visiting Sammons Financial Group and its companies on social media! We love to share content that we think you’ll find useful in your lives, which can help you be healthier—both financially and physically. We also like to interact with our fans and share what we’re up to in our communities and how we’re doing our part to make our communities better together.

However, because our social media sites are public, it’s important that we make our ground rules clear to everyone from the start: meaning, what’s okay and what’s not okay.

On public social media pages, anyone can see your posts. Your posts and comments can even show up in  results (like on Google or Yahoo!). While we want to foster healthy discussion, we may occasionally remove posts that don't fit our community guidelines.

Because our social media pages are public, and anyone can participate, we cannot be responsible for views expressed other than our own.

We encourage everyone to:

  • Stay on topic, use common courtesy and be respectful of others
  • Submit your own original content, and avoid content that you know to be fraudulent
  • Do not post someone else's copyrighted work unless you have permission
  • Never post personal, identifying or confidential information

A community of respect

In order to create a positive and engaging environment for users among our Sammons Financial Group social media accounts, we ask all users to treat each other with respect. Users may disagree with an idea; however, they must be respectful of others at all times. Insults, threats or harassment of other users, organizations or employees are prohibited.

We will not tolerate and reserves the right to delete - to the full extent that each respective social media platform allows - posts or comments that;

  • are defamatory, indecent, hateful, racist, xenophobic, homophobic, sexist, disgraceful, vulgar or inappropriate;
  • encourage or suggest illegal activity, announcements from labor or political organizations and unintelligible or irrelevant posts.

Everything is public

Nothing is private when posting or commenting on a public feed. Once "send" is clicked, the post or comment can be indexed and can turn up in search engines even years later. It is important to ensure that you do not say something that you might regret later. Do not post or comments anything that you would not want others to know. Remember that the information you share on a public feed may be captured, stored, accessed, potentially disclosed and used inappropriately by others.

Your comments are your own

Any comments or opinions shared by our followers on our social media pages are those of their respective contributors only. The views expressed by outside contributors do not represent the views of Sammons Financial Group, its management or employees and we do not endorse, or approve those views.

Use your own original content

All content posted by users on Sammons Financial Group social media page must comply with intellectual property rights related to such content.


Sammons Financial Group is not responsible or liable for damages that may occur while you are visiting an our social media page. You must comply with the social media platform or tool terms and conditions on which Sammons Financial Group's social media pages are hosted.

When do we respond?

We make it a habit to read all messages, posts,  comments, and we may answer when appropriate. However, although our accounts are being continuously monitored, replies will be made between 7:30 am and 5 pm central time, Monday to Friday.

Updates to the guidelines

Sammons Financial Group reserves the right to amend these Guidelines at any time without prior notice.

I am a customer

If you are a customer and have any questions or concerns specifically related to you, a product or service, please contact your agent or visit the Midland National or North American Company Contact Us pages.

Contact us

If you have any questions or suggestions regarding our Guidelines or any other matter regarding our social media properties, please send us a direct message on any of our social media channels.